

Erase Racism

Featured, Illustration

August 14, 2016

This piece was in response to the years of racially derisive cartoons by Bill Leak. It accompanied an open letter to I wrote to Bill, from one cartoonist to another. Click here to read the article....

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Blog, Featured, Illustration

July 5, 2016

#Medina #Baghdad #Dhaka #Kabul #Istanbul. Yet still no public outrage. Still no profile pics being replaced with flags in solidarity. Still no value on human life, unless those lives are a certain colour. Our blood is all one colour and every drop spilled is a tragedy. #NoBrainer...

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Electile Dysfunction 2016

Blog, Featured, Illustration

June 30, 2016

You don’t need to suffer in silence! Just because the two candidates are total dicks, it doesn’t mean you can’t get help. So head down to your local polling booth on election day, because we all know that every vote makes your election bigger!...

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Blog, Featured, Illustration

May 4, 2016

Peter Dutton, the oh so Honourable Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, has criticised refugee advocates for pressuring refugees to “behave in a certain way” after two asylum seekers tragically set themselves on fire whilst in detention. Mr Dutton, if refugee advocates had the kind of...

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Mein Trumpf

Featured, Illustration

April 13, 2016

I’m not done with you yet Trump and have taken the liberty of designing your autobiography. The reality is that a vote for Trump should no longer be a political decision, but an ethical one. Trump is morally, ethically and literally bankrupt. #SayNoToMeinTrumpf...

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The Tale of Trumpelstiltskin

Featured, Illustration

April 7, 2016

Like an evil troll in a b-grade fairytale, Trump just won’t disappear. His only proven skill seems to be his ability to spin complete BS into votes. Mind you, voting for Trump is basically the same as willingly giving yourself herpes, it is something you will almost instantly regret and will...

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Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Auspol, Politics, Australia


Turn Back Abboatt

Featured, Illustration

September 15, 2015

  As the deeply unpopular, insanely conservative and Neanderthal like, now former Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott was overthrown by his colleague, Malcolm Turnbull, I thought it only fair to give him a send off worthy of his most prized catch phrase, “turn back the boats.”...

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What now, Tony?

Art & Design, Australia, Blog, Featured, Home, Illustration

September 9, 2015

After images surfaced online of the lifeless body of baby Aylan Kurdi, a Syrian refugee who had drowned at sea whilst fleeing the current conflict, the world stopped in horror at the sheer magnitude of the humanitarian crisis that now engulfs the region. Closer to home, our Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who...

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The BS Border Force

Australia, Blog, Featured, Illustration, Politics, Staff Picks

August 29, 2015

The controversial “Operation Fortitude” has thankfully been cancelled. Australian Border Force officials were to be included in a major policing operation over the weekend in Melbourne’s CBD, but people power has prevailed, with protests bringing the operation to a halt… For...

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Bloody Boat People

Art & Design, Australia, Blog, Featured, Home, Illustration

February 15, 2015

  This illustration has been an incredible testament to the amazing people power of social media. After drawing it in 2012, I had it published online at The Window Dressers Arms. Soon after it was picked up on social media and went viral. The Asylum Seekers Resources Centre posted online and it quickly...

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